“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”. Jeremiah 29:11
Do you sometimes ask yourself, “How did God do that?” I do. I should no longer be amazed by what He does, but He still continues to surprise me with His intimate intervention in our lives. One such incident occurred two weeks ago when we got a call at TJH from someone who wanted to donate a sewing machine for a guest that might be interested in learning to sew. The very next day, a guest asked if we had a machine and someone who could teach her to sew. “Yes and yes”, we were able to say! Susan brought her machine and gave a demonstration of how to use the machine – which worked perfectly. I love to sew, so it has been a joy to teach this mom so that she can do alterations and make clothes for her and her daughter. Wow God! You who created the vast universe is the same God who cares deeply about the tiny details of our lives.
Our guests need to know that God cares and is working good in their lives. Their life experiences have wounded them and only God can bring the hope and healing they need to move forward. One guest recently shared “TJH has been such a blessing to me. I have learned so much while being there. For the first time in my life, I actually want something different for my life. I want a life worth living. Today I can actually live and the Lord gets all the glory for that. TJH gave me exactly what I needed. All I had to do was want it bad enough. My Journey Home family believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself. I was always held accountable for the things I did and I really appreciated that. TJH helped me to get back on my own with my kids and I will be forever grateful for that. I know I will always have good support and people who care about me. Thank you for your unconditional love and for never giving up on me.”
The unique mission of TJH includes providing spiritual, financial, educational, vocational and mental health support that enables our guests to move forward. Just providing a house to live in does not give people the encouragement and tools needed to become independent. A wise TJH Board Member recently wrote: “We could build and fill a billion houses with the homeless, but until they are filled with the love of Christ, they are not going to enjoy His freedom that causes a sense of personal accountability to Him that will enable them to care about the choices they make. Until then, I would not expect to see much of a turnaround in the state of the homeless. This is where we can make a difference at The Journey Home.”
Thank you for your partnership with investing in the lives of those who need to know that God has plans to give them hope and a future. We are so grateful for your prayers and your compassionate heart.
- For our God Who cares for each of us personally.
- For His provision for TJH in all ways…including a sewing machine.
- For the joy of building relationships with our guests.
- For God’s provision of jobs for our guests.
- For the generosity of individuals and churches in their giving, their prayers and their involvement.
- For TJH staff and for their commitment to the ministry.
- For TJH Board and for their spiritual leadership.
- For the continued partnership in ministry with our community.
Prayer requests:
- For God to give us discernment regarding applicants for the House Manager(s) position.
- For the new guest being admitted next week as she adjusts and is nurtured by TJH staff and volunteers.
- For us to be an example of Jesus as we love and encourage our families and point them to Him.
- For discernment in the selection of guests who are in the application process.
- For more churches and individuals to grasp the vision to be involved in TJH prayerfully and financially.
- For God’s favor for grants pending a decision.
- For godly relationships among staff and guests.
Gratefully joining with you in God’s work,
For TJH Board