Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. Ephesians 3:19-21

Thanks to you, our faithful supporters, The Journey Home banquet on August 24th was a great success. It was a blessed evening of fellowship and sharing. We are glad so many of you were able to attend. We also greatly appreciate that you invited others to come and learn about what God is doing in and through the ministry. We are thrilled to announce exciting news that we have met the goal of our Capital Campaign to raise $100,000! Through the success of the banquet and the Matching Grant, we are now able to pay off the balance of the construction loan. Only God could do this miracle of paying off the building in FIVE years!

We believe God has led us to proceed with what He has laid on our hearts – to save funds to purchase or build more Next Step homes to add to the one we already have. With Louisa County’s shortage of affordable housing, this is an enormous need and a great blessing to our families to have a place to move into when they graduate. It also enables them to continue receiving support from TJH staff and to thrive in a more independent and reasonably priced living situation.

One of our families has just graduated and will move into the Next Step home in October. She and her three sons are so excited. Their lives have been changed through their time at TJH. God has brought much hope and healing to their lives through His Word and prayer. They have become “family” to us. Another family that moved from the Next Step home a few months ago, recently texted me back, “Thank you for praying for us. All is well. I thank God every day for the blessing of independence.”

Another guest, who spoke at the banquet, is furthering her education through a program at UVA Hospital where she is paid as she is trained. She is also guaranteed a job for a year after graduation. This will help her obtain affordable housing more easily. We are thrilled to help her in this process. We spend a lot of time in budgeting and life coaching classes helping our guests to plan for their future. However, some of our guests will not have the opportunity for a higher paying job and are affected most by the high cost of housing.

Just this past week, one of our guests received a donated vehicle through our community partner, Giving Words. This is a great blessing and has solved a huge transportation issue for her. Though staff members enjoyed the time with her when giving her rides, we are rejoicing with her that she can now get her son to daycare and get to her caregiving job on her own. She has overcome three big obstacles by securing a job, finding reliable daycare, and owning a car while at TJH. We are so thankful to Giving Words and the individuals who have donated cars to this ministry to help single parents in need.

It was truly a highlight of the banquet to hear the stories from guests about the impact TJH has had on their lives. Thank you for investing in their lives and the lives of the 24 families we have helped so far. It is a joy to partner with you in God’s work. For those of you who were able to attend the banquet, we are so grateful for your heart for TJH and pray you can join us again next year.


  • For the sweet fellowship with and generosity of attendees of the banquet.
  • For the growth in their faith and in their independence that many guests are experiencing.
  • For the provision of a vehicle for a guest through our partnership with Giving Words.
  • For the generosity of many who contributed to our Matching Grant Challenge and the campaign to become debt free.
  • For the blessing of joining with you in God’s work as families and individuals rebuild their lives.
  • For TJH staff and volunteers and for their commitment to the ministry.
  • For TJH Board and for their spiritual leadership.
  • For our faithful supporters of TJH.
  • For the continued partnership in ministry with our community.

Prayer requests:

  • For wisdom as we seek God’s leading on additional Next Step homes.
  • For relationships among guests and staff to be loving and God focused.
  • For our new families who have many barriers to face in rebuilding their lives.
  • For God’s provision of a vehicle and jobs for our guests.
  • For God to give us discernment regarding applicants. Several are in the process.
  • For God’s provision as we work towards paying off the remaining debt.
  • For us to be an example of Jesus as we love and encourage our families and point them to Him.
  • For new churches and individuals to join in financial and prayer support of TJH.


