Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another. Romans 13:8


The fundraising committee has been planning and preparing all year for TJH Annual Banquet. We are so excited to have those of you who have registered join us on Saturday, August 24, for a special night of sharing what God is doing in and through TJH. Every seat is filled. We thank you for your support and your prayers for this event.

The Match is going well. Our goal is to raise $40,000 by the Banquet to match the already secured $40,000. Currently, TJH has received $35,910 towards the Match. Praise God! If you would like to contribute to the Match, please designate your gift for this purpose. If mailing a check, you can write “Capital Campaign Match” in the memo line. Or, if giving online at our website, you can choose the dropdown menu during checkout to designate your gift.

Our goal for the end of 2024 is to pay off the remaining debt on the building (once we meet the Match only $20,000 debt will remain) so that we can focus on more Next Step homes. The one we have is such a blessing to our graduating families as we can continue to offer support to them and allow them to live in safe and affordable housing. Housing costs are currently so high in Louisa County that one in ten households (about 1,500 households) are considered “severely cost burdened” by the cost of housing. “Severely cost burdened” means they are spending more than 50% of their gross monthly income just for housing. It has been very difficult to find affordable places for our families to move to when they are ready for independence.

TJH staff’s desire is to point our guests to Jesus and to help them grow in their love and knowledge of God and His Word. We encourage them in their faith and try to be an example in all we do. Showing them that TJH is paying off debt truly impacts them as they see us focus on helping future families. We are grateful to join with you in this endeavor.




Executive Director

The Journey Home