Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. James 1:17

Change can be a challenge or a joy. The Journey Home is in a constant state of adjustment as new families move in with their unique situations and needs. Currently we have lots of babies and toddlers, which has caused us to modify some things compared to a year ago when we had mostly elementary age children living in the home. For example, the kitchen now has four high chairs lined up! Child care becomes more of a challenge with these young kids. If you would like to volunteer to help care for these kids as moms attend their budgeting, life coaching, parenting and Bible study classes, we would love to hear from you. Another obstacle is transportation. We are in need of more volunteers for this important ministry. Better yet, if you have a vehicle that you would like to donate through Giving Words, a partner organization, that would make a huge difference in the transportation needs of our guests.

We also find joy in the changes of meeting a new family as well as when a family graduates from the program. A few weeks ago, we were delighted when a family in our Next Step Home moved on to independent living. They had become family to us, but we all need to adjust as we aren’t able to be involved as much in their lives.

Great comfort is found in knowing that God does not change. He knows each of these adjustments we need to make, but He is steadfast in His provision and faithfulness to TJH. Praise Him that He is our Rock!

Please join us August 24, 2024, for TJH Annual Banquet to hear about what God is doing in and through TJH. Your prayers, your time and your gifts are making a real difference. Click here for details and to begin making reservations. You might want to consider sponsoring a table so that you can invite others to learn about the amazing things God is doing at TJH. Tickets can be purchased directly on our website or, if you would like to pay by check, please contact us to arrange payment.

We are thrilled to give you an update on our Matching Grant Campaign that we began in February. Our goal is to raise $40,000 by the August Banquet to match a $40,000 grant. That means every dollar donated to this campaign will be doubled! Currently, TJH has received $33,276 towards the Match. Praise God! If you would like to contribute to the Match, please designate your gift for this purpose. If mailing a check, you can write “Capital Campaign Match” in the memo line. Or, if giving online at our website, you can choose the dropdown menu during checkout to designate your gift.


  • For a wonderful time as TJH “family” of staff, guests and children gathered for a fellowship event at Lake Anna on June 30.
  • For Louisa Baptist Church volunteers who raised $2,500 at their yard sale June 8, to benefit TJH.
  • For the growth in their faith and in their independence that many guests are experiencing.
  • For the provision of a vehicle for a guest through our partnership with Giving Words.
  • For the generosity of many who contributed to our Matching Gift Challenge.
  • For the blessing of joining with you in God’s work as families and individuals rebuild their lives.
  • For TJH staff and volunteers and for their commitment to the ministry.
  • For TJH Board and for their spiritual leadership.
  • For our faithful supporters of TJH.
  • For the continued partnership in ministry with our community.

Prayer requests:

  • For relationships among guests and staff to be loving and God focused.
  • For our new families who have many barriers to face in rebuilding their lives.
  • For God’s provision of a vehicle and jobs for our guests.
  • For God to give us discernment regarding applicants. Several are in the process.
  • For God’s provision as we work towards paying off the remaining debt.
  • For us to be an example of Jesus as we love and encourage our families and point them to Him.
  • For new churches and individuals to join in financial and prayer support of TJH.



Executive Director

The Journey Home